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With effect from 01/06/2013, determination n. 11 dated 11/03/2013, the Municipal Council approved the institution of the tax applied to stay and its regulation


With effect from 01/06/2013, determination n. 11 dated 11/03/2013, the Municipal Council approved the institution of the tax applied to stay and its regulation, following to the approval of the regional government deliberation dated December 21st 2012 n. 2479, regarding the procedure for the tax implementation in 2013 and subsequent.

Tipo documento Atto normativo ,
Numero e data n. Non definito del 12-10-2023
Data di pubblicazione 12 Ottobre 2023
Oggetto With effect from 01/06/2013, determination n. 11 dated 11/03/2013, the Municipal Council approved the institution of the tax applied to stay and its regulation


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